Marley & Me
Value For Money
Marley & Me

User Reviews
Value For Money
This Film Is One Of My Favorite Films Of All Time
This Film is one of my favorite films of all time however i must warn you it's very sad at the end especially if you're a dog lover. I have never laughed so much in a film than this one. You get to see they ups and downs of the life of a puppy growing up to me a lovely old dog. With all the mischief that Marley causes i am surprised that they didn't want to give him up for adoption. They treat him like he's one of their children and they have so much love for him and they love him even more and more as the film progresses even though he's a nightmare and very mischievous. One of the best films in my opinion that has been around for ages. I think the thing that attracts most people to this film is that image of the cute puppy with the adorable puppy eyes. I would recommend this film to anyone. I have to admit i cry every time it gets to the end part but it's so good i just can't get enough of watching the film.
Value For Money
I Thought Marley And Me Was A Really Good Film. I
I thought Marley and Me was a really good film. I am an Owen Wilson fan so i obviously enjoyed it and thought he did really well in it. I am not a huge fan of jennifer aniston as i think she is a bit wooden however i acctually thought she was quite good in this film. The dog was extremely cute and suitably annoying at the parts where it is appropriate. I thought the story line was good but not great if your looking for a really exciting adventurous film. More of a family film. Just to say it is very sad at points and may cause you to cry!
Value For Money
I Think Marley And Me Is A Good Film If Your Sitti
I think Marley and me is a good film if your sitting in on a saturday or Friday night with some cousins over and want something light that will make you smile here and there but i think it's as much as Owen wilsons comeback than an actual film aiming for anything so yes if your looking for a family film that is'nt unsuitable for anyone it's perfect but it's very light and is'nt a film you would go to if you were looking for a really good film
Value For Money
I Watched The Film Marley And Me With Much Trepida
I watched the film Marley and Me with much trepidation as I did not see how the film could live up to my expectations but I was wrong. The book Marley and Me by John Grogan made me laugh out loud and also cry and is one of the best reads I've ever had. The film is unable to convey all the feeling and emotion you get from the book and this is no surprise but it does manage to pull out a lot of the amusing and funny episodes that happen and you do find yourself laughing along, especially if you have ever owned or had a Labrador as a pet at any time in your life so know that a lot of this stuff is for real. I think this is why the ending is so hard because you inevitably know what the outcome of the film / book is going to be. However, as tough as it is, I think that Jennifer Aniston and Owen Wilson acted their parts reasonably well and conveyed enough depth of feeling to make it believable. It is hard to categorise this film but if pushed I guess I would call it a cheerful (on the whole) family film but I would err on the side of caution of showing it to young children.
Value For Money
This Film Had A Strange Effect On Me...it Made Me,
This film had a strange effect on me...it made me, a grown man cry. The last time i remember really blubbing to a film was watership down when I was 7 (god only knows why my parents took me to see it as it was very disturbing).
I haven't read the book but I do know of people who have read marley & me. From what I understand, the books a bit of an emotional roller coaster too.
The film is reasonably well acted, although jennifer anistons facial expressions are a little frozen. There are some great comic moments - especially the bit when marley leaps out of the car window when its moving!
All in all its a good film if not a little mushy in places. If you want to release some pent up emotion just wait until the end. oh, and make sure you have a box of tissues ready.
Value For Money
Marley & Me Was An Okay Watch, Despite The Storyli
Marley & Me was an okay watch, despite the storyline being: ' and this is how life should happen'. The Marley bits were alright, quite cute, but could be seen on tv adverts... and, not having read the book, it was quite predictable from a film perspective.
Not my cup of tea, although, the ending was quite sad.
I probably wouldn't watch it again by choice.
Marley And Me Is One Of The Best Films I Have Seen
Marley and Me is one of the best films I have seen in 2009 it is very good it is a mixture of fun and sad times but the film its self is very well written. Marley and Me is about a young man and wife who get a dog and this dog is a handful but no matter what marley does they still love him. Marley and me is a funny film at times especially when marley does things his owner john (Owen Wilson) starts writing about marley and he gets aperment coloum in the local paper any way john eventually gets promoted due to marley so him and his wife jen (jenniferainston) and there three children patrick conor and collen all move to where johns job is they start there new life which for a few years goes well but in the end marley gets ill
I must say that the children who had to deal with when marley got sick did it so well it moved me to tears I recomend every one go and see this film im giving it 10 out of 10
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