Inglourious Basterds

Inglourious Basterds

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Value For Money

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Inglourious Basterds

Inglourious Basterds
2.89 9 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

It's Is Boring And Terrible.

First of all, I'm going to start with that fact that I do not like Quentin Tarantino's movies. I did not like Reservoir Dogs, I do not like Django, or Pulp Fiction. I have yet to see Kill Bill Vol 1 and 2 so there is a possibility that I may like those but I don't have my hopes up. So the fact I don't like his movies does affect the score of this film for me.

Okay first of all, when I saw the advertising for this movie, I thought that it looked pretty good. Sure it was directed by Tarantino, but it was a world war 2 movie and I thought it looked good. Then I saw the movie...

My dad rented this movie and he and I watched it and honestly, I think this movie is the most boring movie I have ever seen as well as the worst movie I have ever seen. It starts out interesting. We're introduced to Hans Landa, a German Colonel who is known as "The Jew Hunter" and he's seen as someone who's seems legitimately intimidating. The character is the only half good thing I can think of about this movie.

It's when we're introduced to Brad Pitt's character, Lieutenant Aldo Raine, the man who has recruited eight Jewish-American soldiers to sneak into Germany behind enemy lines to kill and scalp Germans. This is where the film began to downhill. Right off the bat, I do not like Brad Pitt's performance. I know he's a decent actor and he's done good movies, but his role in this movie is far too overplayed and overacted. Plus I felt like the accent made him seem like a southern stereotype, but that's just my opinion. I can't even remember most of the other characters so I won't go into the film.

My biggest problem with the film is the fact that the film was hyped up to be very intense and entertaining, but it just came off as boring and slow. Slow isn't a bad thing in a movie, unless it's far too slow, which is what this movie is for me. Just when you think it's going to get good, everything slows down to a snails speed and gets boring again.

The second problem with the film is the historical inaccuracies. Now the killing of Adolf Hitler in this film I could accept. I've seen that in other movies before so I let it pass. But the historical inaccuracies I'm talking about are in 2 particular aspects. The first one is actually in the beginning of the movie. The deportation of French Jews didn't start until 1942, yet Hans Landa is searching for a French Jewish family that is hiding from deportation, which in the film takes place in 1941. The second one is when the film takes place in Paris. Paris was liberated from the Nazi's in 1944, but most of the film takes place during 1945 and Paris is still under Nazi control.

Finally, the acting of the film isn't that spectacular. I felt that all the performances in the film felt overacted and didn't seem that fleshed out or interesting at all. The only half decent character is Hans Landa and that's only because of how crazy he is.

The bottom line, Inglourious Basterds is a terrible film and I hope I never ever have to watch it again.


Value For Money

Thats A Bingggggooooo

finally tarantino has got the formula correct again not since jackie brown has tarantino delivered such a well strung piece of film, overall at times the film can seem a little one dimensional and doesnt probe deeply into background or personalities of its characters, but it does put forth an number of great scenes that could be seen to carry the film.

tarantino again uses the opening scene to capture the audiences appatite for slick dialog, a method hes used before think of the coffoe shop maddona debate in reservoir dogs and the amusing cheese burger convo in pulp fiction, tarantino always likes to kick of his movies with an intense scene. in this case its a long friendly chat between dairy farmer perrier lapadite (secretly storing jewish runaways under his floors boards) and the insanely odd colonel hans landa, landa plays out like a german equivalent of robert helpmanns child catcher from chitty chitty bang bang. personally landa brilliantly portrayed by the electrifying christoph waltz was the only real character who i felt visually compelled not to take my eyes off, and thats not to say the likes of brad pitt and melanie laurent werent good just simply that they was not on par with oscar winning waltz. i did however feel that the character of donny donowitz better know as 'the bear jew' could have been better portrayed by a more menacing actor than eli roth,although roth fitted into the role reasonable well i would have prefered to see a more fearsome actor play the role, after all he does beat nazis over the head with a bat as a hobby. one actor who i dont think has recieved enough praisal in the film is the german actor daniel bruhl who played the again strange pest fredrick zoller, i honestly felt that although waltz is the runaway scene stealer off the film, bruhl does put in a very effectively charasmatic performance.

in conclusion i would suggest if your a fan of QT then go and see it because it is tarantino back on the way to his best.


Value For Money

Boring And Conceited

This for me was a film that got completely carried away with trying to be interesting and quirky that it completely missed the point of actually telling any kind of story. The holes in the plot are too many to mention, and the characters (apart from the subtly disturbing colonel Hans Landa played by christoph waltz) are one dimensional and over acted. In fact I would say this is the worst film I have ever seen Brad Pitt in.

It seems like a film where the director has got so carried away trying to cram in pop culture references and achieve stylistic goals that he has ruined what chance there was of this being a good film.

Personally I like tarantino films such as pulp fiction reservoir dogs, and kill bill, but I would lump this in with jackie brown as being over stylised and boring. The cliché is "all style and no substance" here I'm afraid, with any effort at suspense being eroded away by drawn out boring scenes and flat dialogue.

I also think that the whole jews/nazi theme presented the way it is in this film is in very bad taste, although this isn't the reason for the bad review.


Value For Money

The Inglourious Basterds Storyline Sounded Ridicul

The Inglourious Basterds storyline sounded ridiculous when described by friends, before I saw the film, but I watched it, nevertheless, with high expectations given Tarantino's ability to surprise in an impressive way. BTW, I was not an instant fan of Tarantino' work, as his films grew on me with time, but this also means that I had time to deeply appreciate his work. To my surprise, I was not impressed with this one and only managed to sit through to the end out of curiosity and respect for his overall work.

With the exception of the shoot-out in the underground bar, few things in the movie worked well for me: The violence seemed 'unjustified' compared to his other movies, as it seemed to be there only to pay lip service to Tarantino traditions; the characters' dialogue is often weak and -for the first time in a Tarantino movie- tedious; furthermore, the use of foreign language, an advantage in non-fiction epics, war movies and biopics, falls flat in a Tarantino context. Finally, the weakest part of all: the unique (black) humour and irony which works as bonding material in his other movies was not there for me, or was so complex that -I at least- missed it.

Only recommended for TV viewing and mainly out of curiosity.

kitty mk

Value For Money

Really Great Movie. I Haven't Been Excited About A

really great movie. i haven't been excited about a movie and have had my expectations met in a while, so this one stood out for me! Although, i dont really like brad pit all that much, thought his accent has terrible in it, but alot of people like him so for those of you who do, you'll love this movie, im sure! really fun to watch - not a single boring moment! The best scene is when they are in this underground bar! pay attention to that bit! i watched that scene twice beore moving on to the rest of the movie! HA!


Value For Money

In My Opinion, This Is A Pretty Good Movie. Despit

In my opinion, this is a pretty good movie. Despite some of the scenes dragging on too long, Inglourious Basterds is still a lot of fun.

The movie starts of fantastically well, tense and thrilling. However, if the accomplishment of the first scene carried on throughout the movie, we then we might have a masterpiece on our hands.

There were certainly Tarantino moments, which, well, woke you up during the long talking bits (which I have to say could have easily been condensed). This movie is long!

Christoph Waltz who played the character Col. Hans Landa did an amazing job! He basically made this movie for me.

Sum up? Long movie, but with moments of greatness - just sit it out and you won't be that disappointed.


Value For Money

I Have To Disagree With The Last Review Of This Fi

I have to disagree with the last review of this film. I'm a huge Tarantino fan, and Kill Bill is one of my favourite films. I remember reading mixed reviews when this was released in cinema, but thought I'd be one of the few that liked it due to my appreciation of Tarantino. How wrong I was.

This is an ambitious film, mainly due to the use of a foreign language and therefore subtitles through most of it. I felt that Tarantino's love of dialogue didn't convert well to subtitles, and that lots of the dialogue was long winded and unnescessary.

The music score was also quite bizarre. The selection of Spanish flamenco music for the backdrop of a firefight didn't really work well, and the use of a David Bowie record towards the end just didn't seem right.

In my opinion, there wasn't enough of the trademark comical blood and gore that we've come to expect from Tarantino, and personally I thought Brad Pitt was very weak.


Value For Money

Tarintino At Last Comes Back To Form With A Decent

Tarintino at last comes back to form with a decent movie outside of re-making B movies. This world is an imagined 'other', hence the 'alternate world' ending. Additionally the time-line of Nazi rule is considerably longer. In essence the movie centres around revenge. A group of hardened killers, not too distant from the dirty dozen are sent behind enemy lines to scalp as many nazis as possible [100 per head]. They are then given information that Hitler, Bormann Goering and Goebbels et al and will attend a film premiere in Paris whereby they will try to kill the Reich at his head. Additionally there is another protagonist with her own plot to kill the Reich, to adjust for the killing of her parents. The film is well acted. Brad Pitt kinda just plays himself. His portrayal of an Italian is probably the most funny. However, Christoph Waltz playing Col. Hans Landa really takes his Nazi portrayal [with a damn good script/directing] to the next level and demands a nomination.

Tarintino's cinematography has also changed in some ways. He was noted for large dialogue scenes [see Pulp Fiction and 3 Rooms]. There are a few scenes nearer the end of the movie and is now using more CGI. He's also moved into using for the majority part a foreign language in this movie. It made the whole experience a lot more realistic than having dodgy accents [which he could have done].

As you'd expect there's lots of gore, blood and violence. There's great tension with living in fear of the Nazis which Tarintino brings off convincingly. The opening scenes of the movie are very slow and I was expecting something different as an outcome. It sets a tone where revenge is let out of the cage to play. Another scene of note is the massacre in the bar and pointing a gun at someone else's nuts. Mike Myers also has a cameo which is funny in itself. Tarintino also plays a great card of making you follow a character you believe WILL be the protagonist. It doesn't quite happen.

All in all, I like this movie if you love gore, good scripting, irony as well as an alternate history ending.


its four rooms not 3 rooms


Value For Money

Quentin Tarantino's Latest Film, Inglourious Baste

Quentin Tarantino's latest film, Inglourious Basterds looked promising, sounded equally odd and also strangely normal (could he really be making a war film, how could he retro up Nazis?). I hoped that it was better than Death Proof and went to see it was fairly low expectations.

Thankfully I was pleasantly surprised. The film has some moments which feel too long and although clever could have been condensed to give the film some zip at the beginning. Brilliant perfomances from Brad Pitt, Christoph Waltz as Col. Landa and Michael Fassbender (who I felt was under used) and a very odd cameo from Mike Myers who pulled off a diluted version of Austen Powers. Col. Landa was a truely great character and his calculating and horrifying acts stole the show.

The whole film felt like a very contrived series of acts all leading up to the end which is great. It feels like Tarantino spent most of his time writing this act then messily working backwards. But still worth a watch in the cinema for the finale. 5 stars for the end and 2 for the beginning.

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