Ecoflow Bioflow

Ecoflow Bioflow

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Ecoflow Bioflow

Ecoflow Bioflow
4.28 19 user reviews

User Reviews


Bioflow Duo, Copper

I have worn a bioflow Duo magnetic copper bracelet for many years as I have arthritis.

I am now on my second bracelet as the small black plastic cover over the magnet has worn? away on one side and I do not think it wise to wear with the magnet directly on my skin.

I have tried to see if this can be repaired or replaced but unfortunately I have been told it is not possible and I would need to buy yet another bracelet.

As they are quite expensive I have made the decision not to purchase another as I feel it would happen again.

It is a shame that the bracelets can not be repaired as I was originally told they could.

It is also very difficult to find a retailer where I live.


No More Knee Pain

I had worn a bio flow bracelet for many years until six months ago I lost mine

A few weeks later my knees started aching and I could not walk down steps without being in agony

At first I could'nt think why then I remembered I was'nt wearing a magnet, I decided to order another one straight away

I have now been wearing my new one for about 2months and the pain has gone completely and steps are no longer a problem once again

I would recommend bioflow bracelets it has changed my life


Bio Flow Buyers Be Aware

Not here to rubbish the product both my wife and I have one. (The top of the range) Just so disappointed when the link on my wife`s broke between the magnets was advised it can`t be replaced. Was told to take to Goldsmith. Did not ask for warranty etc just a simple link. I went direct to UK as I live in Australia. It appears it is made in one piece. Cost $320 Aus. Just want to make future buyers aware. To say we are disappointed is an understatement. This is why I can`t recommend. Would liked to have known you could not purchase this link before purchase.


Works For Me

Bioflow Magnets

About two years ago I developed aching pains in my knees and toes especially when the weather was cold and damp. It was particularly annoying at night while trying to sleep. I took paracetamol for pain relief until I happened to speak to a fellow dog walker who told me about the Bioflow bracelet he wore. He said it had kept him free from pain in his thumb joint and how his dog had also benefited from a magnetic dog collar.

I thought why not give it a try and purchased the Bioflow Elite bracelet which was then priced at over £100.

I now wear the bracelet every day but generally take it off at night. I believe it has kept me pain free and given me a sense of well-being.

On the odd occasions when I mislaid the bracelet over several days the aching pains crept back, generally in bad weather. So I have been more careful in this respect.

I would now not be without my bracelet and when people see me wearing it they general ask why I am wearing two watches (the round magnet is on my inner wrist).

The bracelet strap broke towards the end of the first year; I had no problem with my supplier providing a brand new replacement.

I have only positive comments about Bioflow magnets. I know they work for me but I will probably never know exactly how.

I would say to anyone thinking of purchasing a Bioflow product don't think the bracelet will keep you free from any source of discomfort and then dismiss the whole idea of magnets working.

I would recommend you to give it a try and see if they can help you as they have me. They are reasonably priced for a quality item.


Never Looked Back

I was a sceptic about magnets etc, but i can truly say on friends telling me how much difference it has made in their lives of pain, prompted me to give it a try.

I will never look back.....

The aches and pains i had in my knees and joints have gone apart from the rain in the air still have a bit of niggling,

I have just replaced my rubber band as the magnet came out, and i stantly for 3 days i was back to nurofen plus tablets till my wife kindly got a new one today and no word of a lie, im nce agan a happy man.

It does not work for everyone but for the majority it does.

Keep your receipts and give it your best shot.

Happy customer

Mt Richon WA


Complete Rip Off!!!!

I bought one about 4 months ago to see if it would help with various aches and pains (arthritis, general wear and tear.) as they advertise it does, well needless to say it did absolutely nothing and to top it all off after 4 months the band broke! took it back to them, would not replace it or fix it as i no longer had the receipt (there is only one company that make's them!) and then had the nerve to try and sell me another one.

Should be locked up, ripping off people through their suffering!


Don't blame Bioflow because YOU lost your receipt! They have a very generous 3 month guarantee if it doesn't work for you and a 12 month one for faults - their terms are they need the original receipt. You are the one that couldn't fulfill their one request for the receipt so don't blame them for it!


Am I Doing Something Wrong?

Been suffering from gout for 30 years, this was my last hope! Not a bit of difference, can anyone help? Is there a right or wrong way to wear it?


No , a plastic bracelet or copper one for that matter will not cure anything.

If it did why would we bother spending billions trying to create cures?



I've only started using a Bioflow bracelet recently as I was getting painful aches in my wrist and after a number of checks my doctor couldn't get to the bottom of it (a life on pain killers beckoned).

I've never been one for anything "new age", but someone in my creative writing group said that she'd had a similar problem and had had some success with a Bioflow bracelet. She'd seen a demo TV and bought it on that basis (something that would put me off).

So, against my better judgement and ready with some "I told you so's" (for when it didn't work) I gave it a go. I was amazed...the pain simply went!

I have no idea how or why it works, but it does! I doubt it could be a placebo given my scepticism, but there I was with no aches in my wrist - For I was very grateful given the amount of humble pie I now needed to eat.


Amazing Magnetic Bracelet

I bought my magnetic bracelet as a sceptic but assured me I have 90 days to try the bracelet out so I did. The rest is history, it helped me so much that I wear mine all the time to help me. My magnet works wonders.


My Wife Swears By Her Ecoflow Bioflow Duo Bracelet.

My wife won't be without her bioflow bracelet and is getting a new one for Xmas as the old one is becoming distressed from constant use. She suffered with terrible pains in her wrist for some time and we got a Bioflow Duo bracelet as a last resort after all else failed, and she has been problem free for some years now.

I also posses one now with the onset of old age and aching joints.

A demonstration on daytime TV is the thing that swung it for us, as I was never convinced about magnets and bracelets in the past until I saw this.

There is much argument about whether these thing work or are just a placebo(a mind con). Personally I couldn't care less. If the pain goes away,it works. So forget the technicalities or rights or wrongs. I just know my wife swears by hers and wears it 24/7 and has no more aching wrists.

I don't know how good mine is as I don't know how much pain I'd be in without it, but I don't intend to find out?

Surely if something is believed to work and does work, it's better than ramming tablets into your body which can bring their own problems.


If this is true submit your results to a scientific journal so bio flow can win a noble prize

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I have bought a bio flow collar for my 5 year old cavelier King Charles who is suffering from arthritis in his right hip. He has worn it now for 6 weeks and there is no difference at all, In fact I would say he is worse now. What should I do?


Can you tell me how this product will help with my husbands tinnitus? He has had it for a number of years, has seen your product and was wondering if it would help him.

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