Safety 1st Swivel Bath Seat

Safety 1st Swivel Bath Seat

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Safety 1st Swivel Bath Seat

Safety 1st Swivel Bath Seat
1.72 9 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Keep Well Away!!!!!

I have a daughter who is 9 months old and ive been using this seat for about 2 months and i beg you to please stay away ,my daughter had a terrible accident when hers broke into to two piece as she leaned forward to reach out for her duck in the bath! And tumbled face first on the side of the bath, ive never been so terrified in my life im not going to go into to much detail as it sickens me to think something i have brought to keep my daughter safe in the bath has done the complete opposite!! We dialed 999 as she needed medical attention they could not believe what had happened and said she was extremely lucky after two days of being up hospital my daughter is now on the mend and manages to put a smile on her face! Please keep away to prevent anything like this happening again!, i purchased this from Asda and they have been extremely helpful and taking it very seriously ive had a call everyday so far seeing how she is, even received toys,flowers and a gift voucher as a good will even though it isn't there fault and im looking forward too speaking to the company who seem to think this item is safe!!!!


Value For Money

I Bought The Seat For My 6 Month Old Son, Up Til Y

i bought the seat for my 6 month old son, up til yesterday i had no real problems with it, but when i went to get him out of it he slipped a little and cut his shoulder. i have also noticed red marks on the inside of his legs each time i get him out of itl. taking it back to smyths and they are happy to refund it for me, report it to manufacturers and put it in accident book.


Value For Money

Brought One And Tried My Daughter In It. Was Delig

Brought one and tried my daughter in it. Was delighted to see that at 5 months old it supported her really well and was excited to try her in the 'big bath'. That was until we tried to get the toy bar on - it doesn't fit we tried for about 20 minutes and my husband was close to throwing it at a wall. Took it back, explained the problem and tried the other boxes in the shop. EVERY seat had the same problem. What's the point in that when it clearly states do not use this product without the toys fitted. Stupid.


Value For Money

Im The Mother Of Twins I Live In London,i Have Use

im the mother of twins i live in london,i have used this product andit left red marks and bruising to my son and daughters thighs.after taking my daughter to the dr for a rash which was later found to be a heat rash ive found myself and partner under suspicion of child abuse because of the marks left on her by this supposedly safe bath seat,although my children havent been taken from me we are being monitored,i cant believe you try to keep your children safe this is what you get,its particualy uncomfortable for boys as they can bang their privates on the so called safty bar at the front.come on manufacturers make this product safe,sono else has to go through what we are going through now


I found this review very helpful because i completely agree, i just used on tonight for the first time and my little boys thighs are bruised and red, im taking it back tomorrow and i am absolutely disgusted that these things are still on the market!! They are uncomfy and truely dangerous!!!!


Value For Money

Im Having The Same Problem...the Top Of His Legs A

Im having the same problem...the top of his legs are red raw and today I noticed two big bruises. Im going to have to put something between the rim and his legs.


Value For Money

I Used This Safety 1st Swivel Bath Seat With My 1s

I used this Safety 1st Swivel Bath Seat with my 1st child who is now 7 and i am trying to find it again for my 6 month old but can't find it. No one is selling it anymore. I loved it.


Value For Money

Yes I Had The Same Problem, My Son Was Also Gettin

Yes i had the same problem, my son was also getting marks on his chest from the toys, i took the Safety 1st Swivel Bath Sea back to toys r us and asked for a refund as i told then it was no on that eveytime i used it my son would get red marks, but said they could not as there was NO safety issue with the item and all there items are checked. i then spoke to the manager who said he would send it off for inspection. i am now waiting for a reply. i think it is a stupid design, the plastic should be softer like the bumbo chairs.


Value For Money

Safety 1st Swivel Bath Seat Is A Very Useful Aid -

Safety 1st Swivel Bath Seat is a very useful aid - sometimes awkward to get baby in and out but all in all recommended.

mamma ang

Value For Money

Safety 1st Swivel Bath Seat - I Was Very Upset, I'

Safety 1st Swivel Bath Seat - I was very upset, I'd always vowed to use one of the the seats due to the safeness, cheapness and convenience of them, but when it came round to putting my son in one, whenever I pulled him out, he screamed and I found his legs were red and sore at the top where the rim meets. I ended up putting a flannel between his legs and the plastic. Did anyone else have this problem?


i have one of these swivel seats for my 8month old baby and she got jammed in it so i had to pull her out which left bruises all around her side i thought i was going to have to call the fire bridge to get her out she was screaming that much they should be taken off the shelves

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