Tummy Tub www.tummytub.co.uk

Tummy Tub www.tummytub.co.uk

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Value For Money

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Tummy Tub www.tummytub.co.uk

Tummy Tub www.tummytub.co.uk
5 1 user review

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Great Alternative To Traditional Baby Bath

I suffer from back problems so I knew baby bath time would be difficult as I cannot bend over, hold baby, wash baby all at once so was very concerned until I found the tummy tub. Its really like a round bucket you sit baby in which is supposed to mimic the womb. It sounds weird but my husband put our son in a regular baby bath 5 times during which he screamed blue murder, but the first time in the tummy tub he was quiet as a mouse. The water covers them up to their shoulders and keeps them warm, so all you have to do is hold their head steady. And you can put the bucket on a dining table or kitchen bench so you dont have to kneel down or bend over. Go to you tube to see some videos as it is rather strange to imagine. But its a fantastic piece of kit. Our son is 5 months and still enjoys sitting in his little tub, I will be sad when he outgrows it.

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