60 Minute Makeover
Value For Money
60 Minute Makeover

User Reviews
Value For Money
Disgusting Design Shoddy Unprofessional Work
OMG! They do everything half effort, nothing is done correctly. It is ridiculous to think a house can be remodelled/painted and decorated in an hour. I cant believe these people call themselves designers. If they touch a house expect the homeowner to have nightmares. Cant watch this show.
Value For Money
Today Show Was A Nightmare
Today show was a nightmare aubergine purple and bumblebee yellow on the walls really this designers designs if you could call them that are atrocious. They never seems to want to design for the people that are having the make over. it’s more about their personality it is so bad I’d have nightmares if it was in my home absolutely horrid. One designer always wants to put in a color the person doesn’t like. Then another designer is a Fien for green then there’s this designer who has a bohemian sense of style That wouldn’t be so bad if she had taste. I’ve Seen this one designer on five shows and i’ve only liked one room in all the rooms.
Anorexic ?
Catherine Gee is painful to watch. She’s practically catatonic and seems to be forcing herself to talk.
The carpets are awful, usually dreadful stripes . I realize the rooms are minutely tiny but WHY does every room have a door !? Bedrooms need them but the kitchen ? The living room ? Take the doors off and make the room look bigger. And so much furniture in these tiny rooms! I realize we Americans are spoiled for room but a 10’x10’ living room doesn’t need a huge leather couch and chair and three tables. I guess this was before wall mount TVs were available . It’s all rather sad . And all the running up and down stairs getting in the workers way. I am amazed it gets done at all . But do considère removing useless doors and putting down better carpet.
Don't Need Presenters ,
Get rid of the presenters they are not need, when l see programmes with a presenter don't watch it,especially Catherine Gee she is not needed.
Love most of the designers love the shows...
Please no more presenters
Value For Money
Needy Not Greedy
This is a pure and utter waste of money should be given to the needy not the greedy it’s always people who are to lazy to do it they have good income jobs bought houses what about doing it for the genuine people who cannot do it for themselves shame on you all
I don’t think you really pay attention to what is being said on the shows intro concerning the people that are receiving the gift of this makeover they can’t do it nor can they afford it shut up you.
Horrible Is Being Nice!
We recently watched an episode where every room had wallpaper. Oversized floral in the parents bedroom, psychedelic in the kids bedroom and stripes in the narrow living. The rooms where painted black. The before photos looked bright and airy so there was potential to get the perfect finished result... Horrible! Misplaced furniture. TV at opposite ends of armchair whilst the 2 seater at the other end. The rooms looked depressing and dingy. Black curtains on black walls. Kids room lacked any character. What where the designers thinking of? You can still deliver amazing results on a budget. Come on!
Designers???in Their Dreams!
Worst make overs...worst wallpaper, worst colour schemes, worst mis match of designs. Why ket these delusionists loose on peoples' houses? Owners all smile......but all must gi out and buy pots of paint to cover up the horrendous 'makeovers'! Dark brown or dark green carpet a nightmare to keep clean, patterned carpet ombined with garish wallpaper and even more garish curtains would give most people a headache. Hope the so called designers' don't give up their day job. At keast the TV shiw identifies which 'designers' to run away from.....thr only good thing about the show.
Value For Money
I Would Decorate To Clean House Being A Midland Heart Tenant
I need to decorate 60 minute make over. Debt Removal Prayer. Lord, i confess I've made mistakes, I have accumulated too much debt I blame myself naive, and now I cannot imagine overcoming it without your help. Please Lord, I beg you to intercede on my behalf. Provide me with Finance to be able to breath again. Please forgive my sins, Lord. Walk with me and help me to make the right decisions throughout my life. In your name I pray. Midland Heart so not so internal decorating up to the tenant. Social Service recommend The Voluntary Bureau if i cannot get anyone to decorate or do the garden.Family and friends got their own house to decorate and moneytalks for all contacted. I pay my bill planner up budget benefits off work sick with STRESS.I am single parent and i have no decorating skills to decorate or furnish 3 bedroom house.
Value For Money
Great Comedy Programme
Most of the houses are hideous and should just be set on fire. . By the time the team finish with them they are usually more hideous! Great comedy and what's with the stick insect presenting the show ???!!
I am amazed by this show. It is so funny to me that people in England think that horrible wallpaper and bad painting and bad carpet constitutes a show. If you tried this nonsense in Australia you would have your throat ripped out people do not want feature wall wallpaper (so 1980's) cover up floor boards in Australia you would be shot at dawn and bad workmanship my god you would be fired. I find it hysterical that people in England let their homes be ruined by out of work actors. HYSTERICAL
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