E&L Caravan Insurance www.eandl.co.uk
Customer Service
Value For Money
E&L Caravan Insurance www.eandl.co.uk

User Reviews
Customer Service
Value For Money
Do Not Go Near
Went with this company online, from comparison site, after it said they included breakdown cover with the insurance cover.
After not receiving any documents from them I emailed, no response. Then phoned, which took an eternity. Reading the policy through I realised there was no mention of breakdown cover. They had also put down the wrong caravan storage place. So I emailed them after it said it preferred contact this way. No response again, so phoned again to be told that they don't provide breakdown cover, I said it clearly states it on the comparison site, his attitude was that it was me that was in the wrong and not the website.
I did manage to get a full refund as I was within the 14 day cooling off period.
Don't be stupid like me, if it looks to good to be true, don't rush in!
Customer Service
Value For Money
E@l, Total Waste Of Time And Money!
E & L are robbers and won't pay out!!!!
Our caravan was stolen a few weeks ago, it was loaded with all our stuff ready for us to go away on holiday,we've lost everything. We took out a claim but was told I must produce receipts for contents which I haven't got, things have been purchase through the years and if I did have the receipts they go blank over time anyway. They sent out a loss accessor to the farm where it was kept, he stated their are two entrance / exits,wrong! just one! They won't pay out cause it's a working farm! Wrong, it hasn't been a working farm for about 12 years. They state that they weren't aware that it was kept at a farm! Wrong! I gave the name of the farm when taking out the insurance,I didn't know the house number, they got that themselves,also now they say their insurance doesn't cover farm fields. What about when I was on holiday? We didn't always have hard standing. The loss accessor says that it hasn't any fencing or gates! Wrong! The one gate was removed when the caravan was stolen,the other had the chain cut, their is fencing around it, how can the loss accessor miss these things when he is supposed to be the best at his job,and they always use him? Did he actually go their or did he use google earth? He was supposed to be coming to see us but he never Our hitch lock and wheel clamp was removed when they stole our caravan and they even took these away but they wanted proof that these where fitted, How can I prove this when its gone? They have told me to put this down to experience and when I get another caravan, make sure they are aware of where it is kept! They must be having a joke, I can't afford another caravan and even if I could I wouldn't use them again if it was the last insurance in the world!! They haven't heard the last of this one cause I'm not going to give up! I have paid out for the insurance all these years and they are quick enough to take my money each month. I have now gone to the Ombudsman, waiting to see where I go from here?
I've already commented elsewhere just now but I'll add to it by saying they asked us to provide receipts for every single item in the caravan.
How stupid is that? As caravan users we add to the contents of our vans as we go along and in all honesty who keeps receipts for a set of cutlery/crockery?
E&L are a total joke and need striking off!
Glad to read a more updated post from you Zafira and glad to see that you have taken it to the ombudsman. I hope you had enough for them to investigate because you have to exhaust every single avenue before they will listen.
With us it was that they couldn't prove what they were saying because it simply wasn't true. Sounds like you are in a similar position and if that's the case then ask them to show you proof of where they claim you said you kept the caravan. Also get pictures of the entry/exit point and also proof that it hasn't been a working farm for 12 years.
I think you've got a pretty good case here because it smacks of the rubbish we had to wade through before finally they paid us out in full!
Oh.....they paid us out in full for the caravan ........ which I accepted. Then I went back to them and offered them the opportunity to discuss a figure for the loss of contents. They paid that out in full as well.....no arguments. I couldn't provide receipts for towels and cutlery etc but I could provide receipts for microwave, halogen oven, awning, tv arial and other expensive items. I wasn't totally happy with that pay out but at least it covered 3/4 of the contents. What couldn't be replaced were recently added items from my childhood home after my father passed away. I had precious things (to me) in that caravan and given that I'd also undergone radical surgery for cancer just a month before the theft it hit me very hard.
The last thing that I needed was a pile of illiterate muppets trying to get out of honouring our insurance!
Good luck and please let us know how you get on.
Value For Money
Direct Debit Increased Without Notificstion
Having recently retired and having time to review all direct debits I have realized that my direct debit for E & l have steadily increased over two years to double my initial agreement. I have had no postal notifications from them at all and will be taking legal advice on this.
Customer Service
Value For Money
Dog Policy Do Not Buy From This Company Does Not Pay Out
Insurance companies are regulated. If they didn't pay out they would be closed down. It's not their fault if people don't read the terms and conditions of their policy.
Customer Service
Value For Money
We Had Our Caravan Stolen Last December. It Was St
We had our caravan stolen last December. It was stored on a friends secure woodland site and behind steel gates. The gates and our locks were all broken and the van towed away and seen on CCTV.
Insurers say we didn't inform them of where we stored the van and therefore won't pay out! They sent their loss adjuster who lied about the set up and said there was more then one entry/exit......not true! Just one entry/exit but the idiot adjuster couldn't see this!
Still fighting our claim 6 months later but have now told the insurers to escalate it to their claims manager and if we don't get any satisfaction from him then it's going to the ombudsman. I am sick and tired of dealing with illiterate idiots who can't understand Queens English and can't write it either!
I've jumped through all the required hoops now in order to progress our claim to the ombudsman and we've made it clear to E&L that is what will happen next.
I will pursue this to the bitter end, they need stopping in their tracks!
Please don't give in.....this is what they want you to do. Answer every single thing that they throw at you. It could take a while because they will try to grind you down but be persistent and supply photo's wherever possible.
Keep every single correspondence with them as proof and when finally you have answered all of their questions and they are still giving you the knock back, tell them that you want your claim escalating to the claims manager and if you don't get any joy there you will be taking it to the insurance ombudsman.
I finally "got them" when they told me that I had supplied our home address as the address where the van was being stored! I asked them to supply proof of this and all they could supply was our home address being given as the address where the card holder lived! Nowhere at all did it say the caravan was stored there.
You have to be persistent and play them at their own game because they will string it out for as long as possible. This company really don't care about their clients and they employ muppets who are paid to be as belligerent as possible.
Good luck and I look forward to hearing about your successful claim.
Please don't give in.....this is what they want you to do. Answer every single thing that they throw at you. It could take a while because they will try to grind you down but be persistent and supply photo's wherever possible.
Keep every single correspondence with them as proof and when finally you have answered all of their questions and they are still giving you the knock back, tell them that you want your claim escalating to the claims manager and if you don't get any joy there you will be taking it to the insurance ombudsman.
I finally "got them" when they told me that I had supplied our home address as the address where the van was being stored! I asked them to supply proof of this and all they could supply was our home address being given as the address where the card holder lived! Nowhere at all did it say the caravan was stored there.
You have to be persistent and play them at their own game because they will string it out for as long as possible. This company really don't care about their clients and they employ muppets who are paid to be as belligerent as possible.
Good luck and I look forward to hearing about your successful claim.
Same with me! Our caravan was stolen a few weeks ago, took out a claim but was told I must produce receipts for contents which I no longer have. They sent out a loss accessor to the farm where it was kept, he stated their are two entrance / exits,wrong! just one! They won't pay out cause it's a working farm! Wrong, it hasn't been a working farm for about 12 years. They state that they weren't aware that it was kept at a farm and they wouldn't insure it their cause their insurance doesn't cover farm fields. The loss accessor says that it hasn't any fencing or gates! The one gate was removed when the caravan was stolen,the other had the chain cut, their is fencing around it,how can the loss accessor is these things when he is supposed to be the best at his job,as they told me? Our hitch lock and wheel clamp was removed but they want proof! How can I prove this when its gone? They have told me to put this down to experience and when I get another caravan, make sure they are aware of where it is kept! They must be having a joke, I can't afford another caravan and I wouldn't use them again if it was the last insurance in the world!! They haven't heard the last of this one cause I'm not going to give up! I have paid out for the insurance all these years and they are quick to take my money.
Finally our claim was met without having to take it further so if you find yourself in the same position as we were...........don't give up because that's what they are hoping you'll do.
Customer Service
Value For Money
Do Even Consider Them!
We insured our caravan for a number of years with entertainment and leisure. We then had our caravan stolen. Despite being told at the time of taking out the insurance that the security we had was sufficient, when we claimed we were told that we didn't meet the security requirements and they refused to pay us a penny. They also told us we had not given the correct storage address which was a total lie. It was only after involving the financial ombudsmen that they suddenly decided to change their mind and we did receive a payment. However we are sure the outcome would have been very different without taking that route.
Do not insure with them under any circumstances, you will regret it if you have to make a claim. BUT if you are already in that situation don't delay, get in touch with the ombudsmen.
Customer Service
Take Ya Money And Run
we had our caravan coved by them we had hitch lock, alarm, wheel clamp, it was set on fire and destroyed, policy was up to date , AVOID AT ALL COSTS.
Do Not Use..
This company will take money and will do anything to get away without paying. If you have a claim with this company you MUST keep at it and complain to the Ombudsman. They will try to wear you down and make you submit. Keep all correspondence and write to Watchdog (the more the better) This company need to be exposed. Think how some pay for years without a claim but when they do the problem is revealed. This company only deals with certain kinds of insurance caravan,pets,student accommodation,cycle,boat, and wedding. E&L have by far the worst reviews in every category. As these types of insurance do not usually involve a third party, then they do not come up against legal battles. If you make a claim. DO NOT GIVE UP They will do anything to keep your money.
Customer Service
Value For Money
Just Got Back From Aus To Discover They Removed £6
Just got back from Aus to discover they removed £66 pounds from my credit for renewal of caravan insurance I had with them last year. When I told them I no longer have a caravan they offered me a refund of £26. Insurance companies should not be allowed to automatically renew policies without some communication with the customer. I've been robbed, and was not overly impressed with the reaction I got from Barclaycard either, my card is going in the shredder
Do Not Use This Company
For anyone considering insuring their caravan with this company
Our caravan which was 2 years old was stolen whilst in winter storage at the caravaning and camping club site at Walton On Thames, Surrey.
We've not only lost the caravan but everything in it, TV, Hi - Fi, Bedding, saucepans and lots of personnal things. The insurance company have just informed us that they are not liable because there was no alarm on our van , even though they were told at the time we insured it that the van was not fitted with an alarm. Also they said that there wasn't a light shining directly on the van whilst in storage. When the insurance loss adjuster came to view the storage, told us that in his opinion the storage was perfectly adequate.
It was only After the van was stolen that I checked these reviews I only wish that I had done so before I took out insurance with them.
Read the rest of the reveiws everyone can't be wrong!!!!
What is their de facto rating?