LV= Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society Limited

LV= Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society Limited

User reviews

Value For Money

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LV= Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society Limited

LV= Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society Limited
1.4 6 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Overall Liverpool Victoria Are Good But Not As Goo

Overall Liverpool Victoria are good but not as good as Landmark, the original company I was with before Liverpool Victoria bought them out.I'm over 50 and have been tempted to go to companies like SAGA when they have mailed me offering to beat whatever I am currently paying but as soon as you ring them and ask what happens next year they won't extend the guarantee beyond this year, so I could save 10% this year and lose 50% or have the hassle of shopping around again next year, so overall, L & V are as good as I have had and as they say "if it 'aint broke - don't fix it"


Because Of Their Poor Management Performance My Pp

Because of their poor management performance my PPS is not worth moving to an other provider because any earned bonuses would be lost.


Value For Money

Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society Limited Are Ha

Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society Limited are hard to get in touch with after buying a policy.

They suddenly put charges on M R V that have no relation to what I expected, and after six years I am still waiting for a bonus as promised.


What More Can I Say About Liverpool Victoria Than

What more can I say about Liverpool Victoria than the following: How about this for a poor investment with this Society. With profits growth bond matured yesterday after 5 years. £5 profit on £5000 after a market value reduction!!!!


Value For Money

Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society Offer Enticing

Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society offer enticing leaflets on savings schemes. They do not provide performance data on unit prices on the website or in marketing literature. Experience of very poor performance of funds.

john mcgeachy

Value For Money

Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society Limited Has A

Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society Limited has a good site but lacking in information on members pension accounts

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