Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds (Xbox) Reviews

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds (Xbox)
50.0% of users recommend this
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Specification for Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds (Xbox)

Main Features
Genre Adventure
Genre Adventure

  • Third-person fighting/adventure game based on the hit TV show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  • Authentic Buffy Universe - involvement from the TV show's creator and writers, voiceovers by numerous cast members
  • Play as Buffy, Xander, Willow, Spike, Faith, and even Sid the Dummy
  • Unique weaponry and over 100 character-specific slayer moves and combos
  • For 1-4 players
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    • Average Rating Over Time
    • Within the last month ***** (From 0 reviews)
    • Within the last 6 months *** (From 0 reviews)
    • Within the last 12 months * (From 0 reviews)

    Latest Reviews

    “If you're a fan then i would seriously consider not...”


    written by peppermint89 on 22/10/2007

    If you're a fan then i would seriously consider not buying this game, its not true to the show and its just generally quite rubbish! especially in comparison to the first game which was AMAZING!!! buy that!

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    “I bought Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds for...”


    written by Orangeorange2003 on 24/04/2004

    I bought Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds for Xbox because I am one of the biggest fans of the programme. I like the fact that unlike the first game you can play within the game different characters. This makes the game stay interesting so not to get bored easily. The only downfall is that some of the levels can be easy.

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    “OK, as one of the biggest fans of buffy ever (to the...”


    written by r p baker on 19/04/2004

    OK, as one of the biggest fans of buffy ever (to the point it is worrying) I was so excited about Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds. The reason I own an X-box was just so I could get the original game.(Made by EA and the Collective). The first game was awesome and the fighting system was exactly what the game needed.
    Unfortunatly the sequel has changed developers, and so the fighting engine is very different. Instead of having tense realistic battle, it can feel like you're fighting a pile of spuds than a vampire. As soon as a vamp has fallen (one or two punches) then you can stake them into dust. But for some reason the heart isn't important, half the time buffy will just stake any random part of the body and they go poof.
    Other flaws to the logic of the Buffy-verse are noticible, with the playable characters being able to stake with metal objects (swords and spears).
    The game engine does work simular to the first, the buttons have the same function and the onscreen display is the same. The game is vast and does have a good story but it can sometimes feel like they were trying to cramn too much in. Which can make it seem a bit too forced.
    The new characters are fun to play with, especially the lovely faith but again she randomly pops in and within a second of banter the whole thing is excepted. Clearly not a major issue like it is in the show. All the playable characters are good choices (although can't help think how much better it would be with the first game engine) The only exception being zander, who can somehow take on vast amounts of vampires with ease (even though he is slower). But still in real life he would have been killed in seconds. Why not have Tara as a playable character and make use of the magic based fighting that Willow uses. (Best bit of the game).
    The new multiplayer modes are a welcomed addition although again, little things that could have made it so much better. With the Basic arena modes consisting of battling as many reoccuring monsters as possible before you die. But with the lack of weapons and a good size arena, it gets tiresome and repetitive very fast.
    Summary: Buffy fans will like it, if you havn't played the original then you will love it. But too many flaws and flunky engine brings this game down.

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    “Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds stinks on ice....”


    written by Dylanator on 01/03/2004

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds stinks on ice. If you went to see Britney Spears singing opera you would have a better time than this piece of junk. Don't buy this game.

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