Cobra 80lbs Self-Cocking Pistol Crossbow

Cobra 80lbs Self-Cocking Pistol Crossbow

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Cobra 80lbs Self-Cocking Pistol Crossbow

Cobra 80lbs Self-Cocking Pistol Crossbow
3.5 26 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


How Do You String This Thing?

I was pretty excited when my cobra arrived. Most of the reviews made it sound so good. There were no instructions but I was able to put it together with out any. It as nice looking and seemed well constructed. I had an old telephone book ready to use as a target. I am a big man but I couldn't string it. I asked another big man to help me. We couldn't come close to stringing it. I really wanted this but I had to send it back.


Size is not everything as is universally known, and illustrated by the apparent weakness of two large men, unable to string a bow..

ONE person can string an 80lb crossbow on their own ,as often as they like, it is simply a matter of using one's brain rather than misguided brute force, which clearly does not work, and to send the thing back in defeat was unbelievably silly.

I never leave the Cobra strung. It is a 'take-down', fitting into a brief case if required. and strings up easily every shooting session in the following manner.

Simply place a foot on one side of the limb and lever against that, It flexes easily for stringing or de-stringing. It is simply a transference of weight, and I am surprised that nobody has mentioned this method, anywhere. All the advice is about two people being needed, quite some effort, or a device, but never the easiest of all.


For years I was a pistol shooter, until Dunblane, with many trophies. I then continued to practice at home with an air pistol, but here in Scotland there is talk of banning these unless you can show "good reason" so as an experiment I bought a Armex tomcat pistol crossbow. I found it easy to string by following instructions on YouTube although I am well over 70. I also found it to be more accurate than I expected,if you keep the string well greased,keep the slide clean and ensure the string is accurately seated it will shoot a 1.5 inch group at 10 yards.Just keep focused on the foresight and maintain the sight picture while you steadily pull the trigger.


check u-tube, simple 1-person operation


Cobra Pistol Crossbow

having owned about half a dozen stringed weapons since childhood(mainly barnett)i now own a classic jennings unistar plus compound bow,i was initially sceptical of the quality of this item(being made in china).never judge a book by it,s cover,i have fitted a crosman ratcatcher plastic stock and a 4x32 scope,very impressed.


Value For Money

Cobra 80lbs

Great piece of gear with a great range to hit targets.I would recemend to family and friends.Or to the army or any one who is trained in useing this cross bow.Great fun to use and a gud laugh.


Value For Money

Simply The Best..

The Mk2 cobra with the 80lb draw is the most powerfull small pistol out there. Very accurate, very hard wearing, easy to load, and gos 165FPS. When you think that a good 120lb large bow gos 200FPS youll realise how much power these little things have got. They are only about £30 too...these are NOT a toys


Its the 50lb pistol that gos 165fps...the 80lb gos 200fps yet it does not have the kinetic power of a large bow propelling a larger bolt at the same speed.


Ive got two of these..some are called cobra..some ..armex..and tomcat..etc...depends whos sellin em...But the 80lb is the best pistol..its got more power than any airgun..more punching power that is. Ive shot a 6" bolt (about the same size as a pencil) 200 yards. I reckon for an accurate shot ...maybe 70 of my pistols ive pimped and its DEADLY...


Value For Money

Cobra Sucks

cobra compound bows suck


This is based upon,... ??


They are NOT compound...theyre recurve!!


Value For Money

Keeping String Longer, Stringing Advice.

To keep the string last longer, twist it few time until strands form up into uniied string. Don't over do it. Just until the all form up nice and tight.

String it to the bow and wax it!

This will shorten the string a bit, thus givin it slightly more power, and preventing the string hitting the cocking mechanism. Also if you are worried that it will fray from contacht with mechanism try wrapping around some thread like regular sowing thread neatly and snug ower the cocking mechanism's handles.

I'm not sure on the this one, but I wil try it tomorrow. Try wrapping two pieces teflon tape or something simmilar ower the central serving where string touches the xbow's body. It should prevent fray.

And finally onto stringing. This xbow can be troublesome to string. The way I usually string it, and I rarely have problems with this technique.

Put it onto the ground with the point pointed straight down. Put the string onto the left limb, then tilt it so that the left tip is resting on the ground, and then gently step onto the limb so it bends. After it bends sufficiently bend the right limb with your right hand and just slip the string loop over the limb. There! You strung this 80lbs baby.!


bit of a mess on though,i,ve took the slider pulleys off altogether since i,ve fitted the crosman stock it,s easy to draw by hand.


You can detach the cocking arms before each shot..therefore it wont smack against them..and youll get a longer powerstroke..


Value For Money

Breaking Tips

This isn't just a cobra problem it seems to be with all the pistol crossbows they just aren't well made. From what I've see they snap with the Man Kung 80lb crossbow as well and I'm sure they do with the unbranded ones as well. I've seen comments about them snapping on the 50lb crossbows too. This shouldn't pose a big problem since the strings come with two tips at least the ones on ebay do and you can get the 80lb string for under $4 I don't know how low you could get them for if bidding I usually just do buy it now if I need an item. Even if you don't want the cheap string you get two tips. Of course waxing the string adds to it's life too.


Value For Money

Bought It Yesterday So Far Its Great However The B

Bought it yesterday so far its great however the bolts you get with it arent anything special i had to buy a new pack within 1 hour....the pistol crossbow is very well made and the self cocking feature is super it really helps in cocking it.


Value For Money

Liked The Bow. Seemed Great But The Plastic Ends S

Liked the bow. Seemed great but the plastic ends shattered after the 4th shot. No way of replacing them. The bow is now useless until fixed. Don't buy this unless you have replacement plasctic tips.


He means the plastic tips on both sides - yes, if they are broken you have a problem to replace them.

I'm from Germany and we have same problems with this!!


what plastic tips are you referring to? if it is the plastic tips on the bolts, then you can easily replace the bolts. go to amazon and buy 12 bolts for under $10


Value For Money

Very Good And Powerful

very good and powerful

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