Battlefield 4
Condition of Game
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Value For Money
Battlefield 4

User Reviews
Game Availability
Condition of Game
Value For Money
Is Battlefield 4 As Bad As They Say?
A lot of people have been saying, oh, battlefield is way to laggy and, oh, its soooo broken. Its really not that bad,its one of the best games that I have played on the PS4, I don't know what it is like on other platforms but I have spent many, many hours playing with battlefield 4 premium. All of the map packs are great, there are so many things to unlock in a fun way. I have experienced some rubber banding, since the recent fix, I no longer have any problems.
Game Availability
Condition of Game
Value For Money
Garbage On Garbage
If you want a sub par game with bells and whistles get this. The destructible envieonment is just as crappy as the BFBC. You hit walls that arent there, you trip up on a 6 inch high twig, servers are the worst ive experienced, game freezes, server drops, sounds and loading issues. Oh by the way the guns arent realistic at all, feels like I shot someone with a BB gun when its really a bazooka. Game physics blow. I regret every penny spent. Just awesome. Shame on sony/SCE and Dice. Ive sold my system and have sworn off spending another penny on any game system because of this game. No where near ready to be deployed are worth as much as they to get out of you for every lil feature.
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