The Alan Titchmarsh Show
The Alan Titchmarsh Show

User Reviews
Could Be Better
too much reality rubbish and not enough topil news,it used to be into watch we are not all brain dead, also please no more dogs !!!. if i want dogs i,ll watch crufts.. we love Titchmarsh its not him must be the producers who think we are all stupid, please please lets have it back as it was,and also the reporters discussing the news,where have they gone?,if i want rubbish i'll watch Jeremy Kyle /
Best Show On Tv
i watched the alan titchmarsh show to day 4th march 2013 and it was a pleasure to see tattoo artist nikole lowe, i used to watch her on london ink, let's see some more talent like nikole, really enjoyed it,i wish she had more chat time with alan,great show
Grow Up!
I agree with the other reviews...too much sexual inuendo and childish behaviour.
The content is always brought down to the lowest level and sometimes I wonder where they get the audience from?
I really think Alan does himself no favours on this show as it doesn't use his talents.He writes great books, has presented other good shows, so we know he is capable. On this show he shouts too much and behaves like an over exited schoolboy interrupting guests.
Total Disregard To Anyone On His Show - Seems To W
Total disregard to anyone on his show - seems to want to take over what ever guest is saying. Why does he have to try and be a "know it all" when he clearly isnt? On top of that, why is he, when we approach christmas is he promoting small dogs and their clothing people can buy when we all know that christmas is the last time of year anyone should be buying a dog (or any pet). They dont make good presents - most are dumped in the new year. Please someone take Alan off the air.
Childish And Very Shallow As A Presenter. When Ro
Childish and very shallow as a presenter. When Rosemary Shrager comes on, I leave - LOUD, (I am not deaf), and Alan plays his usual clown act to get cheap laughs.
Too many sexual inuendos!
Some of the guests are good quality - but Alan should stick to gardening. Why he was considered to be a good host is beyond me. The audience appear to be mainly senior citizens so perhaps they like this sort of purile humour.
Alan Titchmarsh Show - Why A Chap Who Was Much Res
Alan Titchmarsh Show - Why a chap who was much respected as a gardener is given a daytime show where he tries to be funny, knowledgeable on all everyday issues ,interviews celebrities,politiciansetc. and is expected to make a success of it is beyond me.
Alan Titchmarsh I Believe Myself Does An Excellent
Alan Titchmarsh i believe myself does an excellent job of hosting his show, however the show is tainted by a hate campaign against young people. The Nick guy who is frequently a guest on the show, engaging in debates is ignorant and arrogant. He constantly assumes every young person is useless and his opinions are never backed up with any evidence. On one show he completely dismissed post traumatic stress disorder as not being a true phenomena, yet it is a real psychopathological illness which many people suffer from. I think this was a prime example of his lack of knowledge and perhaps it should be reconsidered whether this man is qualified to be a guest on the show.
The Alan Titchmarsh Show Is An Excellent Interesti
The Alan Titchmarsh Show is an excellent interesting show and with good interesting people on it. Alan has an excellent sense of humour. Wish there were more programs like it. When is it back again?
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