The Jeremy Kyle Show

The Jeremy Kyle Show

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The Jeremy Kyle Show

The Jeremy Kyle Show
2.33 49 user reviews

User Reviews


Complaints About Treatment Of A Security Guard

Was watching Jeremy Kyyle today 11th april .Was disgusted at the way he spoke to a security guard,you"ll know who i mean ,the tall one that stands on the left as you watch tv .Today he said to him ( what are you looking at you big oaf) ,he speaks to him not nicely on many occasions ,hes always praising the muscular one ,No wonder he doesnt get any awards speaking to his staff like that .Why do the producers of the show let him speak to him in this on tv as hes part of the show .His ego needs taking down a peg or two .Tell this security guard i will come down and sort Kyle out .as i had a illegal loan shark arrested ,he was frightened of me.He was 6ft -2ins and me 4ft -11ins ,and i was on my local tv channel about it .So tell the secutity guard i will come down and speak to Kyle and put him in his place ,because somebody needs to .He isnt doing himself any favours .I hope you show this to Jeremy Kyle .Many thanks .


Christmas Jk Not Worth Losing An Hour Of Your Life For

Started watching the uk show earlier this year, interested professionally to see how the jk team help people. Today's show was a tv catastrophe

Who put that ludicrous format of uneducated, depraved, vulgar people together.

Deleted the series link, no one that can air a show like that deserves to be watched again.


Repeats Repeats Repeats

Disappointed,thought there were gonna be new shows,repeats again


Its Getting Boring

This is getting stupid, they keep getting the same people on , are they having trouble finding people who want to go on there show, i used to enjoy this show it was showing true to life topics with genuine cases, now its like watching jerry springer all over again, i sit here watching them looking for there cue to lead off. I think the only bit i enjoy is when he has the children on the show at xmas. At least there genuine. I think I'll start watching something else in the morning, unless they start improving the programme,


Just Take This Bear Pit Off The Air

Why is this programme still being aired? It is total rubbish and quite clear that only people of low intelligence appear on the "show. Does anyone actually watch this? Unfortunately, I caught the end of it this morning and they all appeared to have carried their argument out onto the street!! Jeremy Kyle............ please go back to Australia and take your rubbish programme with you.


I Admit I Cheated On My Girlfiend But The Baby's Not Mine

Why oh why has nobody pulled Jeremy Kyle off his pedestal, he is arrogant and rude. If he didn't have these poor saps volunteering to go on the show he would be a nobody. He should be impartial, he keeps slating the men and that they should put something on the end, as now the DNA shows an eighteen year old is now a father of two children both under a year old, that is ridiculous and he should provide for them but why are the girls also not berated for not taking precautions to prevent pregnancy let alone sexual diseases! Society has made it all too easy and acceptable to sleep around and if you get pregnant that's ok the rest of society will provide you with everything. No shame just blame it on everyone else except themselves. As for Jeremy how nobody has knocked him down I don't know other than well paid security chaps, the way he talks to people whether they are a disgrace or not does not make him judge or jury and give him the right to get right in their faces and come out with his derogatory remarks. How the production team tolerate his big head is beyond me other than they have huge mortgages to pay.


Out Of Order

I was just watching his show I normally agree with what Jeremy has to say but I have just been appalled about the way he has just spoken to a young woman about her not supporting her partner enough through his drink and drug use the way she was treated was completely out of order, his sister was no better they were bullying her the Girl looked scared to death I know through my experience it doesn't matter how strong we are or how much we want to support our loved ones or how much support and love is out there for them they will a lot of the time do exactly what they want to do.



How does he get away with acting like a big bully in the school playground. Who does he think he is? He is no expert in helping people that have serious serious issues. Ex offenders that are released on legal grounds need to be supported very carefully, not humiliated on national TV shows and told they are a waste of space because this will jut set them off again to commit a crime! I just saw a show where a guy was on there who didn't get a chance to barely speak because JK kept shouting him down and telling him to get a job. It turned out he had been on drugs, for over 30years and because he had given it up 15 months ago was finding it very difficult to get himself into work again. Surely JK should be advising this guy to seek mental health and drug abuse help before pushing him to get a job. If he gets a job he is able to afford to buy drugs so surely he will be tempted to go back to his old ways. JK you middle class idiot, stop making your money from nationalising people's misery and go work for a charity if you really want to help people.


Using The Underclass To Make Ourselfs More Self Assured

The Jeremy Kyle show, in my opinion there are so many things wrong with this show from the way it normalises intolerable social behaviours to the way it takes advantage of those in need of a couple of hundred quid to launder their filthy washing in public, to the way the audience who take great pleasure in those perceived to be beneath them are just one bad move away in life from being on stage themselves.

I have just read that paragraph back and unfortunately I have unwittingly sold the show on what makes it so successful, it compels people to watch the car crash lives of others and people enjoy watching those who are perceived to be less worthwhile or important. We enjoy seeing people make mistakes in life which of course we would never make would we? What better way to enjoy your jobless day than to watch a show that makes you feel a little better about your unfulfilled life, hosted by the hypocritical puppet master Mr Kyle himself!

The only reason I gave this 1 star is because the system wouldn't allow me to give no stars, A terrible excuse for a show!


Talk About The Dumbing Down Of Society

This is me the is appitamey of the dumbing down of society and caters for the lows possible denonimator in soceity

Will never what it again !!!

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