The Wright Stuff

The Wright Stuff

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The Wright Stuff

The Wright Stuff
2.37 27 user reviews

User Reviews


Rudeness Of Presenter

I have always enjoyed the Wright Stuff, however lately I prefer it when the host presenter is not presenting!

He is becoming more rude and obnoxious with every show, if every caller does not agree with his opinions he talks them down or cuts them off, this morning a lady caller was making an extremely valid point, he did not agree,

proceeded to tell her she did not know what she was talking about then cut her off! This is now becoming the normal route with him, the show is public platform for individuals to voice their own opinions on the topics being discussed, if he does not agree he has no right to react with insulting behaviour. I have often wanted to call in but would not risk the wrath of his tongue! He is fast making the show very unwatchable and outdated, I know others share my opinion for sure.

A guest recently walked off as a result of his brow beating dog with a bone attitude! Past his sell by date I feel!


Totally Biased

Every question this so called journalist asks of the public is so heavily loaded. He is not in the slightest politically neutral and the quality of the journalism is a disgrace

He is rude to callers and sometime guests and just shuts down a conversation if it isnt going the way he wants it to. Why they still employ him to do this is beyond belief.


I thoroughly agree. Matthew Wright has become increasingly vocal about his anti Brexit viewpoint. He has more guests who support his Remainer preference and bullies and shuts down anyone who supports a Brexit position.

As the chair of the discussion he should allow both viewpoints equal weight, and is required under Ofcom rules to maintain a balance. This he has failed to do and I will be reporting my findings to Ofcom and ask them to investigate.

He is a gifted broadcaster, and I used to enjoy his show but his controlling manner, and constant interruption of both guests and callers has resulted in me preferring the show when Matthew Wright is on one of his many breaks. It is time for Channel 5 to rescue this show before it loses more if it's audience, and retire Matthew Wright.

There are many gifted broadcasters who have stepped in when Matthew is absent. A controversial but excellent stand in was Richard Bacon who Channel 5 should help to rehabilitate and take over the show.


Change The Name To Mathew Wright Anti Brexit Show



A Turn Off

When will they introduce guests so that we can hear their names? I've never once managed to catch them as he says them so quickly and have to wait till the names appear on the screen to find out who they are if I don't know them!

Also I wish he would stop making cynical and sarcastic comments especially about Brexit and the government and stop referring to children as brats. He's a real turn off. I would find the programme far more enjoyable if someone else took over.


The Mathew Wright Show,( And His Alone.)

Wright is a Boor, a Snob,Self Absorbed and Rude to the point of obnoxiousness..He constantly reminds Guests and people who phone in that it is HIS show and he's the most important one on it.His rudeness Knows NO bounds and always interrupts his guests in mid flow..I am Mathew Wright and I've got loads to say, so you better all jolly well listen..The best show EVER was when HE WASN'T there, I think Joe Mangle from Neighbours stood in.Everybody got their say and got to say it without being interrupted.Wright is a self important smug Pro European ###### who is over paid and has a nerve picking up his Pay Cheque..There are 10 people I'd really like to SLAP and he's 2nd on the list..He's the Rich Man's answer to Jeremy Kyle and he's Top of List. A horrible TV Host and there is NOTHING Professional about him at all, the dregs of the bottom of the Barrel.I hope your next #### is a Porcupine and somebody shoves your face in it..


Do Not Buy From The Wright Stuff

Bought an easy on easy off sock aid kit. It took 4 months to get. When we got it was so big that it would stretch sock out. No measurements on the equipment to know that. They are not customer oriented and the equipment is not what it claims. Has a picture of a small person using the sock aid but they could not use it in real life. It is false advertising. called company. They said they would return it. Never mentioned a restocking fee or that we would have to pay shipping both ways. We are out over $27 and have nothing. Called company and talked to a lady. She said there is nothing they can do.


Breaching Freedom Of Speech Right

M. Wright's FB page deletes comments which do not suit his views without any explanation. They leave only more emotional ones to create an illusion of freedom of speech. Methods like in ZSRR just not as openly and obvious.


The Usual Stuff

This man is so unbalanced, and frankly stupid, it's only worth watching to laugh at him.


Very Annoying

M wright is always having a go at j Kyle .is he jealous or what. J k gets more viewers and more awards. Wrightie also gets angry if you don't agree with him. Oh and by the way j k proberbley lots more money than wrightie. He mostly nearly has the same audience. Matthew wright has got a big chip on his shoulder. He ,keeps on about how bad his first wife was .i would like to here her side of it.


Matthew Wright Is The Most Annoying Little Man Ever.

I like the show and usually like the guests, but cannot stand matthew wright, he is so rude, he will ask panel members a question and then answer the question himself before the member gets a chance, he loves the sound of his own voice and talks over everyone, if he doesn't agree with what callers have to say he cuts them off, the only time I can manage to watch the show for more than 1 or 2 days during the week is when richard madely takes over while matthew is on holiday, i was most put out when matthew was on holiday the week before last, as he wasn't in on the following Monday I thought he was off that week also, but unfortunately he was back at the desk on Tuesday. Is there any chance that richard madely could replace matthew permanently?


agree 100%

I love the programme when Matthew is away-much better presenters who don't interrupt, constantly make cynical, sarcastic comments about the government and make rude comments to phone in guests!

Love Penny Smith and Richard Madeley a close second!

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