Blockbuster Store

Blockbuster Store

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Blockbuster Store

Blockbuster Store
2.11 9 user reviews

Layout of shop


Quality of service


Value For Money

User Reviews


Quality of service


Layout of shop


Value For Money

Zero Customer Service Skills, Just Plain Rude!

Purchased a new game from their store in the sale for £7.97 and it had no instructions in the case. When I took it back (the next morning), they basically implied I had lost them myself. She even said, "I'm not returning that, what am I supposed to do with it, I can't sell it like that." Well they did sell it 'like that,' to me!

The manager in charge was rude, aggressive, and lacked any customer service skills at all. I couldn't believe I had to argue and battle my way to getting only what I was entitled to (a complete game!). In the end, she gave in and I got the instructions .. or so I thought .. as when I walked out the store I double checked the game she had given me back only to find it was the same one with no instructions again!

I returned back inside (even more miffed now!), and she acted all like it was a mistake and she accidentally put the wrong one back in the box. I don't think she was expecting me to check it and thought she had got away with it.

The worst part though was not the missing instructions, it was the sheer attitude of the manager. Absolutely no clue about customer service. No wonder this company is always hanging on the brink of bankruptcy when they have staff treating customers like this.


Quality of service


Layout of shop


Value For Money

Ordered A Video And It Came

What more can you ask for from my local DVD place. They have loads of movies for an old one like me - silver surfer on the silver screen.

The selection is unrivalled and the local lad is good at helping me pick the one I want - he knows me better than I know myself.

All in all, a very good service!

jack timms

Quality of service


Layout of shop


Value For Money

I Have Good Rapport With Our Local Branch. Staff A

I have good rapport with our local branch. Staff are friendly and helpful, the shop is well layed out with loads of choice. I joined as a customer a few years ago, but when I asked what I.D is needed now to open an account, I was told "just a visa card".

Blockbuster have regular offers, and student deals on. DVD's are important to students, when a night in, is much cheaper than a night sessioning .

I don't know why so many people sledge them, I feel that we need to keep them on the high street, as they do employ a work force. Otherwise it would become just another boarded up shop front, and less choice for the public.


Quality of service


Layout of shop


Value For Money

Dont Go You Will Probably Get Just Get Scratched D

dont go you will probably get just get scratched discs for an expensive price-we are just going to keep to our small local rental shop-they are more freindly too!!!


Quality of service


Layout of shop


Value For Money

I Think Blockbusters Is A Company That Needs To Be

I think Blockbusters is a company that needs to be more customer friendly.


Quality of service


Layout of shop


Value For Money

The Staff Were Bad And Were Expensive Unless They

The staff were bad and were expensive unless they have a deal on. The funiest thing is that you need at least 2 proofs of identities just to become a member. This feels like they don't believe who you are !!


Quality of service


Layout of shop


Value For Money

As A Rental Service It Is Okay However It Is Rathe

As a rental service it is okay however it is rather expensive but they do have a great range of DVD's and many copies of one DVD so it's good for those titles which have just been released.


Quality of service


Layout of shop


Value For Money

Blockbusters Always Seem To Advertise The Fact Tha

Blockbusters always seem to advertise the fact that they have all the big films in stock, but never live up to this. I have been in on several occasions hoping to get a new release (not on the actual day of release, sometimes weeks later) and they are frequently out of stock. Would it not be possible to order more copies, knowing that more customers will want them?

I have also rented 3 DVDs from Blockbuster that have been faulty, one had no sound, one wouldn't play and the other kept jumping. Everytime we took them back we were treated badly, like it was too much hassle for them and we were being unreasonable.

Also the staff can be quite rude, they don't serve you when there's a huge queue, I have been told that appparently they have a policy that they only have a maximum of 2 staff on a till at a time, regardless of how big the queue is (that came straight from a member of staff that works there).

Refreshments are also expensive, some are twice the price what you would normally pay in a supermarket.

The range is quite good although it would be useful to make sure they have enough stock for demand when big films come out. Save your money and go elsewhere - it's cheaper and you'd get a much better service.


Quality of service


Layout of shop


Value For Money

Blockbusters Had A Promotion On At The Time In 200

Blockbusters had a promotion on at the time in 2001 (ish) - they may still do it now - whereby if your dvd/video rental is not available when you go in you get it next time for free. Can't remember what film that was not available but that is not important here. I confess that I don't shop there that much because there's a cheaper more friendly local business within 100 yards but that did not excuse their (Managers) behaviour.

The film was not in my usual shop so I visited Blockbuster (Stockton Heath, Warrington) knowing that if it was not in there that I could get the film for free. They were doing a big promo at the time advertising this "not available - next time for free" deal. Of course it was not available so I was informed that I was entitled to this deal.

About a month later I went into the store to take up this offer. Picked up the same film and walked up to the counter. Gave my details, told them about the offer and that it should be for free. A jobsworth then checked out my details and and then said that I was not entitled to it. Hmmm - Why? I asked - Then this Gestapo type manager interupted looked at my details and said that I was too late (by about 2 days - voucher on their computer system had expired) and then got on his soap box and broadcasted to the "full" shop that I was not a frequent customer and took great delight in the fact that I had only ever made 3 rentals. To say that I was embarrassed was an understatement. I smiled as all of the other customers in the shop stared at me - and walked out. Have not been there again since. Usually I would have stood my ground and said something back but I felt too much like a naughty school boy.

Well they've lost me as a customer. Why do some companies think that they can get away with that. The fact that I was an infrequent visitor to their store should not have mattered. If anything they should have been trying to make me come back again, not show me the door. Large enterprises should realise that it's the little things that when added up create good customer service - All they had to do was go that extra mile. The fact that this happened 3 years a go and I have still written this review should hopefully put across to you the reader how I still feel about this.

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