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Tesco Home Phone
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“I joined them in February. Last week I received a...”


written by on 22/05/2011

I joined them in February. Last week I received a letter stating that their request for the setting up of a direct debit had been rejected twice by my bank and threatening debt collection proceedings but they had not contacted me to inform me that a problem existed. I sent a cheque and contacted my bank. The bank informed me that no request had ever been been made by Tesco homephone and therefore no request had been rejected either.Today I came home to find that I was unable to ring out on my phone and had to pay again to get phone reconnected.

For my part, I acted straight away as soon as they contacted me and yet they barred my phone line with no warning. I think their actions were totally disgraceful.

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“I joined Tesco Home Phone over a year ago, having...”


written by on 24/06/2009

I joined Tesco Home Phone over a year ago, having notifed them of a change of name this never happened, therfore i was not able to gain any access to my account. How was i supposed to pay them?
Also i was asked to be set up on dd this has never happened, and now i am being chased by debt collection for them hasten to say i have now left.

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“Package that was set up was not what I ordered. ...”


written by on 07/05/2009

Package that was set up was not what I ordered. Promises to 'like for like' as on my old BT Package were ignored. Instead just basic package. Spent hours (literally) trying to get through to speak to someone at Tesco Home Phone, when I eventually did, nobody could help me without first consulting a supervisor. Despite all my bank details, they did not set up my D.D. Account. After three months, couldn't stand any more so left.

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“Tesco Home Phone are currently sending me letters...”


written by loulou09 on 27/11/2008

Tesco Home Phone are currently sending me letters demanding fifteen pounds although I have stopped my account over two years ago. Apparently they are chasing up old bills, however the tone of the letter I find is threatening - apparently the collection agency will visit within four weeks? The letter has no detail included about where and when the cost is from. I find this a very poor approach.

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