Countrywide Property Management
Customer Service
Value For Money
Countrywide Property Management

User Reviews
Customer Service
Value For Money
Amazing Property Management!
I've been receiving assistance from an agent at Countrywide for nearly a year and he consistently provides exceptional service. Any time I've reported an issue he has responded promptly and and always kept me up to date on the process of solving the issue. He has never let any issues go on for an unreasonable amount of time and always considers the perspective of the tenant. It's always a pleasure to speak to him because of this, and his friendly, kind manner makes any difficult discussions easy as he always understands my concerns as a tenant.
Overall, working with him will not be a regret and I hope to stay in this property much longer, knowing the support and assistance is consistently outstanding.
Customer Service
Value For Money
Appaling Customer Service
Extremely appalling service. House in disrepair. Nothing done. Stay very far away if you want peace of mind. They will just take your money and force things on you. For your own sake, choose another company. They will also hunt and call you 20 times in one day if they have to.
Lot so hidden problems with the property. Please stay away!! You will end up spending your life saving repairing their property. Just don't!
Customer Service
Value For Money
Great Service
Good customer service.
Especially an agent, who help me speed up the refund process. Appreciated.
Customer Service
Value For Money
Excellent And Satisfactory Service
Responded on timely manner and delivered an excellent service in a professional and fast way. I am very pleased with the service.
Customer Service
Value For Money
End Of Tenancy
I’m a first time landlord. My experience has been made easier by the countrywide team.
As a landlord I feel I should be able to say if the tenants are entitled to their deposit or not, following the inspection. This process was made easier by an agent. He took on board my views and concerns and responded accordingly, with a fair and positive outcome.
Great Service
I spoke to agent this morning ,I was very impressed with the way he dealt with issues with our tenants.
Both sides are now in agreement Thanks to agent I can now sit back and relax. I was very impressed with his calmness.i will definitely recommend him ????.
Customer Service
Value For Money
Agent Helped Sorting Out The Deposit With Ex Tenan
Agent helped sorting out the deposit with ex tenant. Other representatives were also of great help getting the refurbishment done and getting the house rented
Customer Service
Value For Money
Fantastic Service !
Agent has been super helpful with dealing with any issues I have had with my properties. Ensuring it is a seemless process for me. I have been very happy with the service provided. Thank you!
Customer Service
Value For Money
Sink Blocked
I thank him, the agent
Because he did a job of grade 10!
Customer Service
Value For Money
Agency In Overall Leaves A Lot To Be Desired But..
My overall experience with this agency was average at best.
At times I would even say below average.
I am sorry but I would hesitate before recommending this agency to friends and family.
However, the gentleman I dealt with during the final days was
agent who did a brilliant job and was always polite and professional, he also always replied to any emails (unlike others)
So this here review is to say Thank you to agent, we need more well mannered, professional and experienced agents like you sir.
Thank you for making a challenging transition a little bit easier and a little bit less stressful.
All the best.
I'm looking for some advice?! I recently received an invoice for over £3,500 for 'exterior repairs and decorations' from countrywide.
This has been split from over £200,000 for all the flat owners, one block of flats somehow excluded for being owned by another management company. It is also due in 3 months, not long to raise that sort of cash.
I can't see how on earth the cost is this high and I don't see why I should be having to pay towards it, especially the ludicrous figure. I've hardly seen any decoration or repair in two years that could lead to such a high charge.
Other than requesting a breakdown of the cost and seeking help from the Citizens Advice Bureau I'm unsure what to do. Seems going to a tribunal is going to cost £500 or so and that in itself is a lot!
Any advice would be appreciated?!
I, like many other live in a communal building managed by Countrywide Estate Management. I am speaking with all residence within my building and we are all in agreement that we would like to apply to manage our own building and appoint our own maintenance company.
Can anyone help explain the process or procedures we now need to follow?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks
I live in a small block and some tentants want us to change property management company to countrywide. Is there anything good about this company?.
I unwittingly ended up with Countrywide when I let my property through what I thought was a local agent - an absolute nightmare - left me several thousands of pounds out of pocket - complete mismanagement from start to finish, couldn't provide the information I needed to provide my solicitor to launch a court case against previous tenants ......because staff had left .... so they didn't even keep a proper file on my property, couldn't respond to many of many complaints for the same reason and I'm now in the process of making a formal complaint to ARLA who have had a huge number of their regulations broken by Countrywide in my case alone - you couldnt pay me enough money to ever use countrywide again.